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Swing Beach: Nua, American Samoa

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Young Girl Swinging At Swing Beach

It was a wet and rainy day. We decided, if we couldn’t play at the beach, we would jump in the car and drive all the way to the west end of the island… We only made it as far as Nua.

Driving at the leisurely speed of 25 mph along the ocean, Holden pointed out a giant banyan tree with a rope swing hanging down and begged to give it a try. Nate (the cool parent that he is) pulled over and took Holden to the beach, to swing a few times before we continued on. After watching Holden laughing and having fun, Hadley and Kip couldn’t be contained. Without all our usual beach snacks and toys, we headed over in the pouring rain, for a few minutes of fun.

Hours later, now with the sun peaking out from between the clouds, we were still there, venturing to see what else this beach had to offer. And we’ve been back more times than I can count.

The Swings at Swing Beach

Child swinging at Nua, American Samoa

As this was the first thing that caught our eyes, I figured I’d highlight it first.

Brother and sister swinging at Swing Beach
The kids can spend hours playing on these simple rope swings, getting more creative and daring the longer we stay
Kids Swinging at Nua Beach
What kid doesn’t love swinging?

The Mighty Banyan Tree

Panoramic view of Swing Beach at Nua, American Samoa
Look at the reach of that tree!

Just like Samoans use every part of the coconut, our kids use every part of the tree.

Hanging from a banyan tree at Swing Beach
Hanging out
Young Boy Climbing a Banyan Tree
Climbing up
Young Boy Climbing a Banyan Tree
Monkeying around
Girl Getting Ready to Jump Into the Ocean
Or jumping off
Banyan Tree at Nua
Rain or shine, this Banyan tree provides the protection and entertainment necessary for a full day of fun

Soft Sand at Swing Beach

Nua Beach is one of the best beaches on the island in terms of soft sand. This sand is a light, caramel color and perfect for building sand castles or burying someone.

Girl Buried in the Sand
Mermaid Hadley
Boy Buried in the Sand
We buried Holden all the way up to his neck
Sandy Kisses
Nate snuck in some kisses while Kip was trapped

Further down the beach are some rock formations that help shed some light on the way the island was formed.

Unique Rock Formations at Nua
You can just picture the lava flowing
Tide Pools at Swing Beach
And the tide pools that form within the rock formations provide extra fun

Salty, Calm Seas

Due to the reef off-shore, the waves are usually gentle and calm.

Boy in Calm Ocean
The calm waters make it perfect for younger kids
Floating In the Salty Ocean
It’s great for adults to relax in, too
Mom and Son In the Gentle Ocean
Or for moms to snuggle with their littles
A Walk Ao the Reef At Low Tide
At low tide, you can walk all the way out to the breakers
Ocean View At Nua Beach
And just past the breakers, it’s easily deep enough for snorkeling and spearfishing

So, there you have it!

Our kids’ favorite beach. You’ll come for the swings and stay for the rest- sea, sand, sun, and shade.

Tell me, what makes a certain beach a favorite for you and your family?

Pinnable Swing Beach Image
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